Wessington Springs Area Chamber & Development Corporation
With a goal to see Wessington Springs thrive, we work to market our hometown, support and grow local businesses, and promote communication and quality of life within the Wessington Springs area. In 2022 our focus will be workforce, housing, and tourism. We also assist in business startups, loan options. and continuing education for our local businesses. Whether you join us in December for our Hometown Christmas, in the summer for Foothills Days, or any other time of the year, there is plenty to see and do and we welcome you!
We are proud members of both Glacial Lakes and Prairies tourism and Southeast Tourism in South Dakota!
other resources
Click here to access our 2021 Housing Needs Study
The State of South Dakota rates as one of the top states to do business in. Visit SD Governor’s office of economic development Resources for more information.
Wessington Springs Area Development corp offers a low interest revolving loan fund to individuals and businesses wishing to invest in our business growth and development.
WS Area Revolving Loan Fund Application -
Fill out and return to: WSACD office at PO box 132 Wessington Springs, SD 57382, email loree@wessingtonsprings.com or deliver to:
PO Box 132 | Wessington Springs, SD 57382
Contact Us- we’d love to hear from you!