Back to Normal or a New Normal?
Written by: Loree Gaikowski, Director, WS Area Chamber & Development
As we look back on the last few months, the world seems to have turned upside down. In a community where change is hard, we changed. When our businesses were faced with uncertainty, we stepped up. Your choice to shop local in our community while we went through unchartered times, made a difference. You made a difference.
With Covid 19, came opportunities to reinvent ourselves and how we do business, how we choose to protect ourselves and our neighbors, a chance to reevaluate our priorities, a new appreciation for handshakes and hugs, and as we approach Independence Day, a new appreciation for our freedom. As we move forward with celebrations that allow us to come together as a community once again, know the safety of our community is of the upmost importance. Hand sanitizer stations are available across town and masks are available from the Chamber and Development office by request. While Covid 19 is probably here to stay. Also here to stay, is a determination to succeed, to be creative in how we do business, support for our local businesses; knowing the difference we can make in their success, and a community that has pulled together to make a difference for the tomorrow’s yet to come.
Normal may look differently now, but many of the lessons learned in a short amount of time will help us be better humans, neighbors, friends, and community. We are open for business, ready to welcome new business, and most importantly ready to welcome new and familiar faces who have chosen to make Wessington Springs their home.